Monday, September 22, 2008

How to "Paint 2 Play"

Here are the pictures for the "paint 2 play" segment of Noisemaker, episode 2:
This picture, taken in my garage, shows where I do my spraypainting...

This is my inspiration for this group of miniatures. The man in the middle with the red facings will be my "template..."
Here you can see that I have painted all their hats black. Very simple and quick. No problems...
Here you can see that I have painted the red facings. Painting in this way means that I can move on quickly to another color. I paint to play, and that means that I paint my troops as quickly as possible.
Here you can see that I added the brown, err... white... I forgot about the white! They are starting to look better...

Now I add the brown. Painting gun barrels is really fun. Hair, not so much...

Now we've added some flesh and they cease to look like the blue man group...

And here we have the finished product, after the gunbarrel color, silver for the canteens, green for the base, and a quick spot check. It may not be up to par for you, but for me, it's pretty good... :)